Urban Ministries of Durham Collective Impact Project

Durham, NC

Catalyst Design/ Clearscapes

The Phase 1 of the Urban Ministries Study was conducted from January 2020 through September 2020 and developed a clear vision and goals for a series of improvements to the Church campus. Of significance to the congregation and stakeholders was the continuation of St. Philip’s mission to be a church for all people, focusing long term stewardship of the campus by using existing real estate assets for love and action in the Durham community, providing for St. Philip’s physical needs, and reinvesting with the 35+ year partnership with Urban Ministries.


The result of this eight-month investigatory phase has identified redevelopment opportunities and includes recommendations for a multi-phase, multi-year series of projects to provide:

Client | Urban Ministries of Durham

Consultants | Clearscapes

Reference | Sheldon Mitchell, Executive Director