Southern Gateway Corridor Study

Raleigh, NC

Catalyst Design*/ VHB

The Southern Gateway corridor, of S. Saunders and S. Wilmington Streets, into Raleigh providesone of the best skyline views of the city. However,those roadways and adjacent land uses along this approach to downtown lack a cohesive character and identity. A number of neighborhoods exists within the corridor; however the urban fabric has been eroded by a lack of investment and the overwhelming focus on the transportation needs of commuters and visitors to downtown Raleigh from outlying areas. The focus of this plan is to generate strategies for connectivity, infrastructure investment, public realm improvements, and protection of natural resources in order to support growth and reinvestment.


The resulting recommendations reflect not only the input of the engaged public, but the thoughtful analysis of the consultant team, evaluating the existing image and character; the transportation and street network; the bike, pedestrian and greenway connections; the market realities of this district and the region as a whole; the interface between the district and the future Dorothea Dix Park and, the potential for transformation with new private development and infrastructure improvements. The plan also identifies how plan recommendations correspond to specific elements of the city’s Strategic Plan and Downtown Experience Plan document.

Client | City of Raleigh

Consultants | J Davis ; 1/1 Studio ; Permar, Inc ; VHB ; Raleigh Urban Design Center

Reference | Dhanya Sandeep, Senior Planner