Pollocksville Floodprint

Pollocksville, NC

Catalyst Design

The North Carolina State University (NCSU) Coastal Dynamics Design Lab (CDDL) is currently working with the Town of Pollocksville, NC, Jones County, and North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resilience (NCORR) on a year-long, grant-funded project to assist the town in its post-Hurricane Florence recovery and rebuilding efforts. A flood mitigation plan, or “Floodprint”, for the town seeks to identify appropriate flood mitigation strategies, economic development strategies, and near- and longterm capital projects to enhance, protect, and promote the quality of life in this small town. Roberta provided public engagement, stakeholder management, and ordinance and policy development.


The year long project adapted to a mix of engagement strategies to address current Covid-19 restrictions and health guidelines, the lack of digital infrastructure and internet access in the region, and varying levels of technical availabilities. To date the project has successfully integrated tangible grant deliverables such as a revamped statefunded facade grant program, a new Town ordinance, and the deployment of Main Street beautification and amenity projects.

Client | Town of Pollocksville

Consultants | CDDL ; Rodney Swink

Reference | Jay Bender, Mayor of Pollocksville